PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR VACATION It’s always a good idea to perform your own seasonal home inspection as you move into a new season. When it comes to summer and summer vacations, you’ll want peace of mind in knowing your home is in tip top condition and that all repairs have been taken care of [...]
STAY COOL WITH ENERGY-SAVING TIPS It’s HOT in the Phoenix area and summer is officially upon us in a couple of weeks. Temps have been hovering in the low 100s lately and with these high temperatures we’d like to offer a few reminders for cooling your home and saving as much money as possible. As [...]
If you watched the video from World Plumbing Day 2015, which was March 11th, you saw that California (and other parts of the world) are in crisis with their water supply. It’s a big story in the news these days and the water supply shortage is a big problem that will be difficult to solve. [...]
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 43% of our monthly utility bills goes to heating and air conditioning. We are quickly approaching the warm summer months of Arizona. Which means, we are also approaching the months of our highest utility bills with the usual dread we feel at this time of the year. What [...]
You’ve heard it before. You have probably heard it many times. We say it all the time. You may even be tired of hearing it. Be sure to change your air filters regularly! There are many good reason to do it. One of our customers recently told us this story – she was at her [...]
World Plumbing Day is March 11th every year! Many of us don’t think much beyond our own plumbing needs and likely do not spend a lot of time thinking about plumbing at all. World Plumbing Day, however, really brings forward all the plumbing and water issues we have globally. Again, it’s not something we think [...]
How Do You Calculate SEER? Do you even know what that means, even if you do know how to calculate it? Cooling BTUs and the amount of electricity a cooling unit uses per hour are crucial when determining a unit’s SEER ratings. An inefficient unit will have less cooling capacity/power (indicated by the cooling BTUs) […]
We are all so busy these days. Laundry is something that seems to keep piling up with no end in sight. We want to get it done as quickly as possible and get in and out of the laundry room so we can enjoy the sunshine of Arizona. It’s easy to become complacent and overlook [...]
We are very excited to announce to our loyal customers that we have become a Frigidaire Genuine Contractor, as of January 1st. As part of our continuing quest to improve our service and product offerings, we feel this partnership with Frigidaire, as a Genuine Contractor, is a great move. Frigidaire has an extremely high standard [...]
Water conservation is a “hot” topic these days, as many states in the U.S. face water shortages. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has worked hard over the past couple of years to instill the belief in everyone that we need to take conserving water seriously. They have developed strategies and driven federal water efficiency requirements [...]