Should We Repair or Replace Our A/C System?

This is a question we get quite often. The answer is not a quick yes or no, however. There are several good reasons you should opt to repair you’re A/C system. There are also several good reasons why replacing your system makes good sense, as well. We have discussed this in the past, in both our blog and in our social media posts. It is well worth repeating. Of course, if you have any questions at all about this topic, call us. We are happy to answer all questions!

Let’s look at the answers, side-by-side. This should be helpful to you.

Repair or Replace Chart

A couple of other things to consider:

If your unit is less than five years old there’s a good chance that the parts will be covered under warranty.

Although you may have a unit that has needed no repair or minimal repair for the past 10 years, if you are starting to see higher energy bills, it just may make sense to replace the unit. The A/C systems available today are much more energy efficient and these systems did not exist 10 years ago.

Check out this list from ENERGYSTAR.GOV, which provides good information on reasons to replace:

Check out the Home Energy Yardstick to assess your annual home energy usage:

Replacing an A/C is never fun or on top of anyone’s list of things you enjoy purchasing. Arizona’s hot summers make it necessary to think ahead and be prepared with a well operating system. If you are unsure what to do, ask us! We are happy to help.

For more information on how we can help you save BIG this season, contact us NOW: (602) 470-1040

Marlin Services

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