Is Energy Sneaking Out of Your House and Costing You Money?

You may not realize it but you could be losing money each year as a result of wasted energy through air leaks in your home. The good news, though, is there are quick and simple ways to reduce wasted energy. Caulking and weather stripping your home can make a big difference in reducing wasted energy in your home and reduce your energy bills in the process.

Air Sealing Trouble Spots in Your Home

Tips to reduce air leaks:

  • Test your home for air leaks.
  • Caulk and weather strip doors and windows that are leaking air.
  • Caulk and seal leaks in plumbing, electrical wiring and ducting that come through walls, floors and ceilings that are leaking air.
  • Seal outlets and wall switch plates by installing foam gaskets behind them.
  • Seal leaks in your insulation with low-expansion spray foam. (Dirty spots in the insulation are key signals that there is a leak.)
  • Cover single-pane windows with storm windows or install double-pane, energy efficient, heat-resistant windows.
  • Use foam sealant on areas that may produce leaks including larger gaps around windows and baseboards.
  • When your kitchen exhaust fan is not in use, cover it.
  • Clean out your dryer vent, which saves energy and prevents fire.
  • Add pliable sealing gaskets to door bottoms and thresholds.
  • When fireplaces are not in use, keep the flue damper closed tightly.
  • Seal air leaks around fireplace chimneys, furnaces, and gas water heater vents with proper fire-resistant materials.
  • Seal the leak caused by the installation of the drain assembly of a bathtub by fitting foam board around the pipes and seal any gaps with spray foam insulation.

You can test your home for air tightness by looking at these areas – electrical outlets, switch plates, door/window frames, electrical and gas service entrances, baseboards, weather stripping around doors, fireplace dampers, attic hatches, wall or window-mounted air conditioners, cable TV and phone lines, where dryer vents pass through walls, vents and fans, all exterior corners, outdoor water faucets, where siding and chimneys meet and areas where the foundation and the bottom of exterior brick or siding meet.

Sources: Zillow,, the Allstate Blog and House Logic

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