Furnace Sounds and Their Causes

FurnaceMechanical equipment in your home or business can develop interesting sounds, especially if the system has not been maintained on a regular basis. Our heaters and furnaces work hard to keep us warm in winter, and it’s up to us to properly maintain the mechanical equipment. Proper care of our equipment helps extend its longevity and helps prevent malfunctions in the heating and furnace.

Occasionally, you might hear curious sounds coming from the furnace and here are some of the sounds and their causes.

A Screeching sound can indicate a problem with your motor or fan belt.

A Chirping can be common in some furnaces. It can be a natural sound in the mechanisms.

 • A Pinging sound in the furnace can be caused from expanding and contracting ducts.

 • Booming sounds can be the result of weather warming and cooling. If this should occur and your furnace smells as though it’s
burning – there could be a dirty burner in the furnace – or possibly a defective gas valve.

 • Rattling sounds can typically occur when a system is heating and is not normally cause for alarm.

Once you hear sounds that give you cause for concern, be sure to call
on Marlin Services to check out your system, 602-470-1040.


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