Plumbing Matters

Shower HeadWater-efficient plumbing is making a difference in today’s water and energy bills. Take a look at these excerpts from Contractor Magazine, “10 reasons why plumbing matters”.

Plumbing manufacturing innovations to gain water efficiency have dramatically reduced the amount of water used through toilets, showerheads, faucets and other plumbing products. For example, WaterSense plumbing products meeting Environmental Protection Agency criteria have saved consumers 757 billion gallons of water and $14.2 billion in water and energy bills since 2006, according to the EPA.

Water Sense


To assure customer satisfaction, WaterSense products are certified to perform as well or better than standard models – all while saving at least 20 percent more water.

The increased use of water-efficient plumbing is important, yet often overlooked, part of the water sustainability solution. The EPA estimates that the United States could save 3 trillion gallons of water and more than $17 billion dollars annually if every U.S. household converted to WaterSense products. High-efficiency plumbing in commercial facilities can help save even more.

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