Energy Savings Tips for Your Water Heater

rinnai_3d_energy-starYour water heater works hardest in the winter and cooler months. Think about how long you stand outside your shower waiting for the hot water to flow through to you.

During these months, you want to take care to be aware of things you can do to be more efficient. There are simple steps you can take to help with reducing your water bills and saving energy.

Realistically, there are 4 ways to work towards energy efficiency of your water heater:

#1: Reduce your hot water usage and demand.

  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucets.
  • Repair leaky faucets.
  • Take shorter showers and eliminate baths.
  • Replace older dishwashers and clothes washers with newer, modern energy-efficient models.

#2: Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.

  • Setting the thermostat at 120 can save 6-10% annually on energy costs, while having enough hot water for showers and running the dishwasher.

#3: Insulate your water heater.

  • By covering your water heater with a blanket or jacket, you can save 4-9% on energy cost.
  • With this extra insulation of your water heater, you can reduce standby heat loss by 25-50%.

#4: Replace your current water heater with a new, more energy-efficient model.

  • If you are purchasing a new water heater, look for one that is ENERGY STAR Qualified.

For further information on this subject, check out these websites:,,20351985,00.html

For more information on how we can help you save BIG this season, contact us NOW: (602) 470-1040

Marlin Services

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