
Thank You RUUD!

“RUUD has grown into one of North America’s largest manufacturers of quality heating, cooling and water heating products for residential and light commercial use.” We are honored to be a Recognized Local Top Contractor. Thank you RUUD!!! MarlinServices 602.470.1040

Home Remedies Typically, when pipes get clogged, homeowners run to the store and grab a name brand chemical drain opener, thinking it will solve all of their problems. What most homeowners don’t know, however, is that, even though that name brand substance may unclog your drains, it’s only a temporary fix. The chemicals in the solutions […]

Fix a Leak Week

Marlin wants to provide you with some important information this week. It’s about the “Drip! Drip! Drip!” sound that is happening in your bathroom or kitchen. Read below to find out 3 new ways to celebrate a Fix a Leak Week! Be sure to call Marlin Plumbing and Air Conditioning for any repairs or any […]

January is National Bath Safety Month

As Americans, many of us do not realize that one of the most dangerous rooms in our home is the bathroom, with senior citizens and infants at highest risk of injury. Every day approximately 370 Americans are injured due to bathtub and shower-related incidents, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. National Bath Safety month […]

Marlin Services has Been in Business 30 Years!

Since our opening in Phoenix, AZ in 1982, Marlin Services has been providing customers all over the Valley with impeccable service. And this year we will have been in business for 30 years!!! If you are looking for a reputable and honest plumbing and air conditioning service provider, you can feel confident when you call […]